Adriel Corp

Precision Development

Who We Are

We are a development house, designed to bring your business digital solutions using modern technologies accelerating and/or transforming the way you do business.

We achieve this by executing your vision with precision, therefore, we have created an easy way for you to understand our development processes. This will assist in understanding what is required and the reasoning behind it. Our superpower lies in understanding your thinking, our attention to detail is evident in the final product.

Conceptual Phase

We determine the best technologies to use when building your application. We figure out the best tools to use based on the budget and scale of the project.

Structuring Phase

Our architects create system analysis and structural strategies to build the application in the best way possible, ensuring its easily maintainable, sustainable and scalable.

Prototyping Phase

This is the pre-development phase where we apply the structures and technologies chosen we should discover potential issues if any and we should be able to determine if what has been planned so far can be executed.

Development Phase

We start building the application, frontend as well as backend, this phase and the testing phase are one and the same thing as we will be moving from development to testing with each development sub-task we complete.

Testing Phase

We have a Quality and Assurance section where testers will be ensuring each development sub-task works as expected by running multiple positive tests and negative tests. All logic will also have a base unit test built for it to ensure enhancements don’t break the app.

Deployment Phase

Application once passing QA phase will be deployed to the relevant environments.

What we do

We want to give you the best possible solutions to your business acceleration and/or transformation using the latest and most reliable forms of technologies available.

Mobile Applications

People spend a lot of time on their mobile device, to use this opportunity contact us now with your mobile app idea and we will build it for you. Using the latest technologies.

Code Refactoring

The IT industry is evolving fast, it’s important to have applications that are scalable and maintainable. If your applications are a nightmare to scale and maintain contact us to refactor your entire application from an architectural level using the latest technologies.

Web Applications

People are completely dependant on the internet to find information. Get your business online and create customers from a solid SEO online presence.

Cloud Migration

Storing and maintaining servers onsight can be a nightmare, we can migrate your data to trusted cloud storage to offset the cost and stress of managing your own data.


Want to take your product-based business online? We are available to create an e-commerce solution for your business to increase sales and automate sale processes.

Enterprise Applications

There are areas in your business that can be automated, we design applications that will speed up day-to-day repeat activities through automation and in doing so we potentially save the business money while increasing the overall business productivity.

Our Clients

Who we have work with

Keep In Touch

Feel free to contact us for any
project idea or collaboration